¡Donde la fe encuentra aventura!

Where Faith
Finds Adventure!

We have been blessed with the opportunity to serve many pilgrims throughout the years and hope you will join us today on this exciting faith journey!

Bringing You Closer to God by Bringing You to His Holiest Sites

  • “Yo recominedo este viaje que es inolvidable! Es un viaje donde puedes decir que es un sueño. Algo especial, hermoso…”

    – Familia Guillen

  • “Mi primera experiencia y fue fantastico”

    – Lourdes A La Torre

  • “Las expectivas que teniamos no eran nada en comparacion a lo que hemos vivido, ha dodo una experiancia tan Linda,tan especial… Estos tours se los recomendamos sinceramente de todo corazon...”

    – Dora Lopez

“I would like to recommend Judith Estrada Ramos as a travel agent. I have done two pilgrimages to the Holy Land and Rome in 2023 and one in 2024 to Lourdes and Fatima Basilicas. My parishioners from Saint Boniface Church in Anaheim, CA, were very happy with the service.”

Rev. Salvador Landa, Parochial Vicar, Saint Boniface Catholic Church

“I recommend Judith Estrada Ramos, with whom I have undertaken a couple of pilgrimages to Europe and the Middle East. On a personal note, I can say that I am very satisfied with working with Judith's agency because the prices she offers for each pilgrimage are very accessible”

Rev. Fr. Jaime Hernandez Diaz, Parochial Vicar, St. Anthony Mary Claret

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Who We Are

Peregrino Tours’ mission is to bring followers of Christ closer to Him by visiting the Holy Land and experiencing His presence and story first hand

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The best way to experience our mission is by joining us! Check out our upcoming pilgrimages!